Category: HeatMasterss Hall of Fame

Zell Wood Splitter

Free Wood Means Free Heat for the Zell Family

The Zell family is the latest to say goodbye to their heating bill this winter with a new G7000. And having a wooded property, free wood means free heat. Devon runs Timberline Ranch with his family in the rural area of Cochrane, Alberta. He also works as a power engineer operating a SAGD…

The Pearson's Story

Heating Your Dream Home: The Pearson Family Story

When the Pearson family was ready to build, and eventually heat, their dream home in Minnesota, Shaine says they started looking seriously at a wood boiler. Shaine Pearson lives with his family in Duluth Minnesota, working as an operations manager for an electrical distributor. “Growing up my dad had a wood stove in…

JP Sprague1

Taking Their Home Back From The Heating Bill: The Sprague Family

After their December heating bill came in, the Sprague family was forced to abandon their second floor.  “We moved the kids into the guest room and turned everything off upstairs, and the bills were still around $400 the rest of the winter.” Naturally, John Sprague says they got into outdoor wood boilers out…